About Managing My User Account

About My Account

While your Dashboard enables you to view and manage your insurance quotes and policies online, your Account screen lets you manage other elements of our service online, such as changing passwords, downloading documents or updating how you pay.

The available options will vary depending on what policies you hold and may include:

To access the 'My Account' screen simply log in to Visicover and select 'My Account' from the main menu.

What do I do if I forget my password?

You can review or update most aspects of your insurance via our website at any time. To do so you must first log in using your registered email address and password. If you have forgotten your password you can reset it is as follows:

  • Click the 'Forgotten your password' link below the login box on the Visicover home page.
  • Enter the email address that you normally use to login, then click ‘Email password reset request’. If you cannot remember your log in email address, contact us at enquiries.eu@visicover.com.
  • You will receive a 'password reset email' so open this and click the link it contains.
  • You will be redirected to our website where you can create a new password.

Important: Do not share your login information with anyone or they will have all your privileges and will be able to view or change your cover or details. You remain responsible for their actions, and we cannot accept any responsibility for any changes they make with or without your authority.

How do I change my password

The Visicover service enables you to view or update most aspects of your insurance at any time via our website. Simply log in using your registered email address and password, then select the option you want.

If you want to change your password you can do so as follows:

  • Login to Visicover.
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu.
  • Select 'Manage My Password'.
  • Enter your current password.
  • Enter your new password which must be 8 or more characters long and include at least 1 non alpha numeric character (e.g. $ ^ * etc.)
  • Re-enter you new password.
  • Click 'Confirm' to commit the change or 'Cancel' if you do not wish to proceed.
  • Click 'Continue' to acknowledge change and return to the 'My Account' screen.

Important: Do not share your login information with anyone or they will have all your privileges and will be able to view or change your cover or details. You remain responsible for their actions, and we cannot accept any responsibility for any changes they make with or without your authority.

How do I change my login email?

If you want to change your login email address you can do so as follows:

  • Log in to Visicover.
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu.
  • Click 'Manage My User Details'.
  • Enter the new email address in the 'Login email' field.
  • Click 'Confirm' to commit the change or 'Cancel' if you do not wish to proceed.


  1. Changing your login email only updates the address you use to access your account, not the customer address we use to send you information and documents about your policy. You will therefore also be offered the opportunity to automatically change your customer address so that it is the same as the login email address. To do this simply click 'Yes, synchronise my customer email' at the end of the above process.  
  2. Do not share your login information with anyone or they will have all your privileges and will be able to view or change your cover or details. You remain responsible for their actions, and we cannot accept any responsibility for any changes they make with or without your authority.
How do I change my contact email?

Your contact email is used to send you important information about your insurance such as your policy documents and renewal notifications. It is therefore important that you monitor this email and ensure that you keep it current.

While your contact email can be the same as your log in email, you can opt to use a different email address for each.

You can update your contact email address as follows:

  • Log in to Visicover
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu
  • Click 'Manage Customer Details'
  • Change your email address
  • Click 'Confirm' to commit the changes or 'Cancel' to exit without saving

We will send an email confirming the change to both your old and new email addresses.

Important - While changing the contact email will change the address we use to send you policy information, it does not change the email address you use to log in. For information on how to update your login email, click here.

How do I change my personal details (mailing address, phone number etc)?

To change your occupation, mailing address, phone numbers or contact email:

  • Log in to Visicover
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu
  • Click 'Manage Customer Details'
  • Update the details you wish to change
  • Click 'Confirm' to commit the changes or 'Cancel' to exit without saving


  1. While your contact email can be the same as your log in email, you can opt to use a different email address for each. Thus while changing the contact email will change the address we use to send you policy information and documents, it does not change the email address you use to log in. For information on how to update your login email, click here.
  2. Your contact email is used to send you important information about your insurance, such as your policy documents and renewal notifications. It is therefore important that you monitor this email and ensure that you keep it current.
What is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner?

Where a policy is arranged in the name of a business, we are required to establish whether that business has an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). This is any person who:

  • holds (directly or indirectly) more than 50% of the shares, or
  • holds (directly or indirectly) more than 50% of the voting rights in the business, or
  • has the right (directly or indirectly) to appoint or remove a majority of the board of directors of the business, or
  • is able to ensure the affairs of the business are conducted in accordance with their wishes.
How do I change my user name?

When you register you will be asked to create a 'User Name' for your account. You can change your user name as follows:

  • Log in to Visicover.
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu.
  • Click 'Manage My User Details'.
  • Enter the name you wish to use in the 'User Name' field.
  • Click 'Confirm' to commit the change or 'Cancel' if you do not wish to proceed.

Important - Changing you User Name purely affects the name on your user account. It does not affect the name of the policyholder on any of your insurance policies.

What is an authorised manager?

You can appoint someone to be an ‘Authorised Manager’ which means they can manage your insurance quotes and policies for you. Examples of where this can be useful include:

  • Enabling a family member to also have access to your policies.
  • Authorising different employees to manage the policies of the company.
  • Letting a number of members manage a flying club's policies.

Your Authorised Manager will be able to amend or cancel your existing policies, buy new ones, and view your contact and payments history. They do not have to be a Visicover customer but simply need to be registered on our site.

For information on how to invite someone to become an 'Authorised Manager', click here.

Important: If you appoint an authorised manager you remain responsible for their actions, and Visicover cannot accept any responsibility for any changes they make with or without your authority.

How do I set up an authorised manager?

You can appoint an ‘Authorised Manager’ to administer your insurance quotes and policies for you as follows:

If the person you wish to invite is not already a registered Visicover user

  • Log in to Visicover as normal.
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu.
  • Select 'Invite Authorised Manager'
  • Enter their name and email address and, if you wish, add text  to personalise the message that will be sent to the invitee.
  • Click 'Send Email'.

We will email the invitee and ask them to register on Visicover so it is worth you just contacting them to check if they have done so. Once they have registered, follow the instructions below.

If the person you wish to invite is a registered Visicover user

  • Log in to Visicover as normal.
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu.
  • Select 'Invite Authorised Manager'.
  • Enter the invitee's registered email address in the 'User Email' field and click 'Invite'.
  • Ask the invitee to log in to Visicover and accept the invitation.
  • When you first visit 'My Dashboard' after they have accepted the invite you will be offered the option to confirm them as your 'Authorised Manager'. Click the confirmation 'tick' and the process is complete.

Important: If you appoint an authorised manager you remain responsible for their actions, and Visicover cannot accept any responsibility for any changes they make with or without your authority.

How do I manage my authorised managers?

You can maintain any Authorised Managers you have appointed to administer your insurance policies as follows:

  • Log in to Visicover as normal.
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu.
  • Select 'Maintain Authorised Managers'.
  • If you wish to delete a manager, click the 'X' by the applicable record.
  • Ticking 'Administrator' will allow the manager to invite other authorised managers and potentially prevent you from managing your policies yourself.
  • Status is pending until the manager has accepted an invitation to be an authorised manager and you have confirmed them as such.
  • Invitee status is pending when someone has been sent an invite to become your authorised manager but has yet to accept it.

Important: If you appoint an authorised manager you remain responsible for their actions, and Visicover cannot accept any responsibility for any changes they make with or without your authority.

How do I manage the policies of different customers?

By becoming an Authorised Manager, a registered user can manage insurance policies for other customers who have requested them to do so. Examples of where this can be useful include:

  • Enabling one family member to have access to another family member's policies.
  • Authorising different employees to manage the policies of a company.
  • Letting a number of members manage a flying club's policies.

To enable you to manage their policies, a policyholder must invite you to become an 'Authorised Manager'. Details on how to do this can be found here.

Once you have been set up as an Authorised Manager you can select whose policies you wish to access by:

  • Logging in to Visicover as normal.
  • Selecting the applicable customer from the 'Authorised Customers' list.

Their quotes and policies will now be displayed in the dashboard, while their name will appear below your login email at the top of the screen.

The policy administration options you will have depends on what authorities they have given you.

  • By default you will be able to amend or cancel existing policies, buy new ones, and view their contact and payments history.
  • If you are given administrator privileges then you will also be able to invite other people to manage that customer's policies.

To set the default customer whose policies you will see when you log in:

  • Log in to Visicover as normal.
  • Select 'My Account'.
  • Select 'Manage Authorised Customers'.
  • Click the 'Default' button for the applicable customer.
What is the document history?

The document history provides a full record of all system generated emails which we have sent to you, along with any attached insurance policy documents. They are displayed in date / time sent order, with the most recent email shown first. A short description is provided of what the email related to, along with the email address to which it was sent. 

To find out how you can view or download such documents, click here. However, don't forget that if you simply wish to check your cover, it may be quicker to view your policy details online.

How can I view or download copies of my policy documents?

Your policy documents will be emailed to you when you purchase or amend a policy. You can also download copies of such documents as follows:

  • Login to Visicover as normal.
  • Select 'My Account' from the main menu.
  • Select 'Access Document History'.
  • Select the email which had the required documents attached to it based on the date you purchased or amended your policy.
  • The details of the email, including any attached files will be displayed. Select the document you require which will then be downloaded to your device.

However, don't forget that if you simply wish to check your cover, it may be quicker to view your policy details online.